Our Process
Examination & Documentation
A careful and precise examination is conducted before any project to determine the extent and variety of damage present in the artwork. Our extensive usage of different types of light, including normal, raking, ultraviolet, and infrared, along with appropriate surface tests, allow for a unique and specific treatment to be chosen for every project. During this process, extensive photo documentation is performed to facilitate the conservation process.
Condition Report & Treatment Proposal
The examination is then outlined comprehensively to the client, and a step-by-step treatment proposal is prepared to specifically describe how the project will be restored. The process is always in accordance with the American Institute of Conservation, which dictates effective yet reversible procedures for every artwork. We then include an estimate of the cost of the conservation, and wait for the client to accept or reject our proposal.
Once the client accepts the proposal, the project is begun on-site or in our studio. The work is conducted by the appropriate conservator who specializes in the specific areas necessary for the effective conservation of the work. We maintain direct contact with the client throughout all the phases of the conservation to inform about the progress. When the project is finished, we offer professional and careful delivery and installation.
Upon request, our studio offers high quality photo documentation by our expert photographer. These are suitable for display in all formats, including large prints which we can also print using our studio's extensive equipment. We are also able to take high resolution pictures on-site when working on bigger projects to give our clients usable and professional photographs of their newly restored and impressive artworks.
Example Projects
The restoration of the high altar in St. John Cantius Church in Chicago took almost 4 years and focused on the reconstruction and gilding of almost one hundred ornaments, laurels, florets, ten Corinthian columns, and polychromed sculptures. The conservation treatments were conducted on-site, as well as at our studio, here all the ornaments were moved to be cleaned, consolidated, partially reconstructed, and re-gilded in traditional techniques. St. John Cantius Church, designed by Adolphus Druiding and completed in 1898, is without doubt one of the most unique places in Chicago, as one of the best examples of sacred architecture in the city. Inspired by the opulent art and architecture of 28th century Krakow, the magnificent baroque interior took us back to our home city during the work. The wooden gilded ornaments from the high altar in St. John Cantius Church in Chicago.
St. Cantius Church Altar Restoration in Chicago
Jamali Fresco-Tempera Painting Conservation
Team of Conservators

Margaret Sawczuk
Sculptures and Objects, Paintings, Ceramics, Frescoes
27 years of experience
AIC Professional Associate

Tom Slabonski
Professional Gilding, Frames, Furniture
Professional Photo Documentation
20 years of experience

Beata Lange
Paper, Paintings, Gilding
25 years of experience
The Art Objects Conservation Lab is an art conservation and restoration studio operating as part of The Art Objects Inc.